Originally from Buffalo, New York, Jamie now resides in Southern Maine with his family. Throughout his career Jamie has acted and music-directed over 30 shows, including Rent, Annie, The Wizard of Oz, Godspell, and Jesus Christ Superstar. He has been a theater and music coach for children’s camps, providing his expertise to thousands of children.
Currently he serves as Director of Music to Most Holy Trinity Church in Saco, Maine. Jamie has been utilized throughout the Diocese of Portland as a mentor for youth music ministry; providing guidance and support, and accompaniment for various events.
Jamie also operates as a composer and arranger, having written numerous religious and secular pieces of varying styles. Samples are available upon request, and will be available soon on this Website.
For further information on booking Jamie for your event as a pianist, organist, or music director, or to utilize his arranging or composition serves: please click the “contact” button to the right.